Bible Studies:
- Daily scripture reading schedule.
Women’s Activities:
- Helping Hands meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Men’s Activities:
- Men’s Breakfast meets on the 1st Saturday of each month at 7:00 a.m. at Byron Family Restaurant.
Kids Activities:
- Nursery during Worship service all year.
- Rummage Sale in the Fall
- Traditional Community Hymn Sings throughout the year.
- Church dinners and potlucks.
The mission causes that Carlisle Church is supporting this year are:
- Buist Community Assistance Center
- Byron Community Ministries
- Missionary Flights International
- Henderson Settlement in Kentucky
- School for Mechanical Aviation Training (SMAT)
- United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM)
- Mel Trotter
- Global Impact Missions
- NECM (North End Community Ministries)